Weleda White Mallow & Calendula Cream

It Works!

I love it when I find a product that actually works! And I wanted to share that with you all.

My youngest son who is now nearly 10 has always suffered on and off with eczema.   Most of the time it’s in remission. But occasionally for no apparent reason it flares up.  This most recent bout was on the back of his hands, wrists, knuckles and the inside area of the elbows.

In the past.

Over the years I have tried all sorts of different creams and lotions.  When he was a baby I used a product that was marketed as natural but had a strong smell of honey.  This was awful and made his whole body come out in an eczema rash.  At that point I resorted to stripping everything back to just using a bag of oats to wash him with. Along with a version of Aveeno that came from America at the time.

Spin on many years later. The issue only frequently rears its head and knowing what I now know about main stream cosmetics and creams and the use of chemicals, I avoid using products like Aveeno and opt for more natural products with no chemicals in them.   More recently I have also tried many of those that are actually natural but while they don’t aggravate the issue they also don’t get rid of it either.


I started using Weleda skin care about a year ago and absolutely love their products.  They are natural with no nasty chemicals. Their products are Biodynamic (a higher form of organic).  So in my head a lightbulb moment struck!  Why not see if Weleda do something suitable for eczema.  After searching on Google I found lots of great reviews about Weleda White Mallow & Calendula Creams.

To test which of them worked the best I did one arm with the Calendula & the other with the White Mallow.  Both products are amazing and the eczema had all but gone with 3 x twice daily applications.  My preference is the white mallow as it absorbs into the skin quicker that the Calendula. But the Calendula is an intensive Body Cream so I would expect it to stay on the skin surface for longer.   All in all both excellent products that actually work.

Whilst Weleda are a national company their head quarters and lovely shop that you can visit are just a few miles away from me at Ilkeston. 

Weleda Calendula Cream Weleda White Mallow