Wrapped Newborn Photography Session. It was great to meet this little newborn and her family for her first photography session.  She was very alert for her age and was definitely very interested in what I was up to!  A sneak peek of images is below. Follow me on socials overContinue Reading

Sleepy Baby Photography Baby P Sleepy Baby Photography Baby P came to see me with her family for her first photography session and she rocked it!  Below are some images from her session. Follow me on socials over to my Instagram or Facebook page If you would like to discussContinue Reading

9 Day old Baby D 9 Day old Baby D was a total super star for his full newborn session.  He slept the whole way through and rocked every pose!  Just a few images from his chilled out session are below. Follow me on socials over to my Instagram orContinue Reading

Sleepy Newborn Session, Baby E Sleepy newborn session with baby E!  Baby E was a total star for her session and slept all the way through. She came to see me with her family and big sister L who I also photographed when she was a newborn.  Baby E looksContinue Reading

Newborn Photography of Baby J, 2 Weeks New Baby J was in for his Newborn photography session yesterday.  He loved being all snuggled up 🙂 Just a few images from his session are below. Head over to my Instagram or Facebook page If you would like to discuss booking yourContinue Reading

Newborn baby photography Nottingham

Baby T came to see me yesterday for his newborn photography session. It was so lovely to see his big sisters again and see how much they had grown and catch up with Mummy & Daddy again too. Just a few images from his wrapped session below.Continue Reading

This little man certainly liked his milk! But in between feed we were able to get lots of super cute shots of him. His big brother was a little star too and even though he is still little too, he posed so well with his new baby brother. Just aContinue Reading

Super cute baby B giving me all the cute smiles today. She wasn’t that keen on going to sleep as I think she wanted to see what we were up to! But in the end I usually win and she did go to sleep and even though she was 8Continue Reading

Big brother J came to show me his new baby sister today and what a great big brother he is. Baby H wanted to know what we were up to so spent the first part of the session awake but after a while she slept and I was able toContinue Reading

Baby Z came to see me today for his newborn session. Although he was way more interested in staying awake and feeding than having his photographs taken, he did in the end fall asleep and we were able to get lots of cute sleepy shots of him. Just a fewContinue Reading

Baby A loved being wrapped up and slept for the whole time until we unwrapped her then she was very interested in what we were up to and didn’t want to miss out! This was lovely as we got lots of cute awake shots too. Just a few images fromContinue Reading

Baby A was a star for his session today! He came to see me with his big sister who I have photographed many times. It’s always lovely to catch up with this family 🙂 Just a few images from his session below :-Continue Reading

Baby I was a little star for her PURE newborn session today. We were able to get lots of lovely shots for her Mummy & Daddy. Just a few images below :-Continue Reading

Little baby R came to see me today. She was a super star and all apart from a few minutes before it was her lunchtime, she slept. Just a few images from her session below.Continue Reading

Baby G came to see me today for her newborn session. Although she is a little bit older we still managed to get some cute sleepy shots for her Mummy & Daddy along with some awake smiley ones too. Just a few from her session below.Continue Reading

Baby I was wide awake when she arrived with my but after some milk she slept for the whole session. She was a cheeky character and gave us some cute cheeky facial expressions, just a few images from her session below.Continue Reading

Baby I came to see me today for her full newborn session yesterday and at 17 days old she was a touch older than my usual newborns but that didn’t phase her at all, she loved being wrapped up and totally rocked her session. Just a few images from yesterdayContinue Reading

Cute baby Q in for her wrapped newborn mini session today. She was a superstar slept the whole time! Just a few images from her session below :-Continue Reading

Baby F came to see me today for his wrapped mini session. He was very well behaved and slept all the way through until the end when he woke up so we were able to get some awake shots of him too.Continue Reading

On the chunky chops scale this little fella is definitely a 10! Baby H at 5 days new is the total image of his big brother when he was a newborn too. And today his very loving and proud big brother brought his new little bro to the studio forContinue Reading

Baby J came to see me today for his wrapped newborn session. He is a little bit older than the normal newborn age but he was a super star and apart from a bit of awake time at the beginning he slept well and loved being all snuggled up. AContinue Reading

Baby T had other ideas today about sleeping but she did like being wrapped up. She was so cute with her eyes open so it didn’t matter that she didn’t sleep that much. Also I am an actual wizard and the proof is the image of little T and herContinue Reading

Baby T in for his session yesterday. At 4 weeks old he was super inquisitive and almost rolling already! Just a few from his session below :-Continue Reading

Baby M came to see me today for her newborn photography wrapped mini session. Mummy told me that she likes her Moses basket so I thought what better set-up than this cute vintage Moses basket to use for one of her images. A few more images from her session below.Continue Reading

Baby C was a total star for his newborn photography session today. He slept the whole time except for a lovely feed half way through, which he had, did a nice big burp and then went straight back to sleep. Dream baby! A few images from his session below :-Continue Reading

It may have been 34 degrees here today but in the studio I am able to keep a cool temperature when needed, so baby A was happy being wrapped up this morning. She slept for the whole wrapped mini session only waking at the end for a feed. A fewContinue Reading

Newborn’s love being wrapped up all cosy and warm. So when little I was being super inquisitive at the beginning of her session and wanting to know what I was up to, I knew it wouldn’t be long once I wrapped her up that she would drift off to sleep.Continue Reading