Baby L’s pastel rainbow cake smash today was great fun. The colours really suit his blonde hair and blue eyes. I cannot quite believe its been a year since I photographed him as a newborn, he’s grown into such a cute little one. A few images from his session below.Continue Reading

Baby Z came to see me yesterday for his cake smash. It was lovely to catch up with his family again after photographing his big sisters cake smash a few years ago. He is now 14 months as he should have been with me 2 months ago but because ofContinue Reading

Baby M came back to see me a year on from her newborn session today for her first Birthday cake smash. She is so cute! I love how her images with the peach floral set up turned out, just a few from her session below.Continue Reading

Baby I came to see me on her actual birthday for a cake smash session. She loved playing with the pearls and blocks. Just a few imagew from her session below :-Continue Reading

Cheeky chops Baby M came to see me today for her first Birthday cake smash session. She was a super happy girl and she enjoyed her session. Just a few images below.Continue Reading

Baby O came to see me today with his Mummy & Daddy. He was rather quick and kept crawling off , I think he wore his Daddy out keep putting him back again! Just a few images from his session below :-Continue Reading

Baby O back to see me today for her first birthday celebrations! I love how her smash session turned out. Mummy wanted the focus to be on her little one so opted for one of My PURE cake smash sessions. Just a few images from her sessiion below :-Continue Reading

Baby F came back to see me today a year on from her newborn session. It was lovely to see them all again. We went with a pastel rainbow theme and I love how these turned out. Despite little F feeling a bit under the weather and not wanting theContinue Reading

Baby P came to see me today for her first birthday cake smash. We went with pinks, purple and rose gold. It was great catching up with her family again and seeing how big P’s big sister L is now, 2 years on from her cake smash session. A fewContinue Reading

Baby T came to see me today to celebrate his first birthday in style! I love the combination of gold and navy and how his set turned out. Just a few from his session below. Another lovely cake from Tracey Bakes at Sutton In Ashfield.Continue Reading

Baby R came to see me yesterday for her cake smash. She loved the cake and got stuck straight in! She was already walking and also a super quick crawler so we had to be quick! A few images from her session below.Continue Reading

Baby M came to see me on his actual birthday for his cake smash session. I love how the blue set brings out the blue of his eyes so well. Just a few images from his session below.Continue Reading

Baby E wasn’t a huge fan of the in house Photographer/Mummy/Daddy entertainment today, he felt it was distraction from the very serious business of cake eating and smushing. However occasionally he did look up from his work and glanced a quick smile at Daddy’s sunglasses peekaboo game! He also formedContinue Reading

It was lovely to see little I and his Mummy today a year on from his newborn session with me. What a happy little chappie he is! Lots of smiles and I love how his space themed cake smash turned out. Just a few from his session below :-Continue Reading

Baby N came to see me today on her actual birthday which is always lovely! She has a very cheeky smile! Any enjoyed playing with the blocks most of all! A few images from her session :-Continue Reading

It was so lovely to see what a happy, smiley baby little O has turned into. I first met him for his newborn session just under a year ago and he returned to the studio today to celebrate his first birthday with a giant cake, a splashy bath and someContinue Reading

Baby I was back in the studio today for her first birthday cake smash, following in the footsteps of her big brother 2 years ago. I love seeing how babies have grown since their newborn sessions and I am always honoured when Mummy’s & Daddy’s return to me to photographyContinue Reading

Chocks away! Baby A is 1. It was lovely to catch up with a very mobile baby A, 1 year on from his newborn session with me. We had great fun and I love how his aviator cake smash session turned out. Just a few from today, below :-Continue Reading

Baby C came back to see me today for her cake smash photography session. She was all smiles and loved her cake. A few images from her session below.Continue Reading

Little I is 1 year old! We celebrated with a brightly coloured, rainbow themed cake smash and a beautiful cake from Tracey Bakes. Little I was such a good boy and full of smiles today. After his cake he loved splashing in the bath with some bubbles. Just a fewContinue Reading

Little J is 1 year old! This cake smash was all about the doughnuts and I love how these images turned out. Makes me hungry though, I do like a nice doughnut! A few images from little J’s session below.Continue Reading

Cake Smash time! As one of Nottingham’s leading cake smash photographers I have photographed lots of 1st Birthday photo sessions. It’s always a pleasure to be able to document such an important milestone in a babies life and this little man’s session was no exception. Such a smiley happy littleContinue Reading