Baby A’s Newborn Session, 7 Days New Baby A was not very interested in sleeping today and was very much more interested in what I was up to!  It was lovely to meet the newest addition to this lovely family. K is going to be a great big brother.  JustContinue Reading

Baby G’s Pure cake smash! Baby G was such a smiley baby for her Pure cake smash today!  Happy Birthday little one!  Just a few images from her session are below :- Cake from Tracey Bakes of Sutton in Ashfield. Head over to my Instagram or Facebook page If youContinue Reading

15 Days New, Newborn Baby W 15 days new baby W in the studio today. It was lovely to meet this new little family today and baby W was a little star for his newborn PURE photography session.  Just a few images are below. Head over to my Instagram orContinue Reading

Birthday Cake Smash Birthday Cake smash with Baby M! Baby M was a bit mad with me to start of with but when the cake came out all was forgiven.  Cake eating, drum playing and bath splashing commenced and she had a great time!  Just a few images from herContinue Reading

First Birthday Session Super cute Baby’s E’s first Birthday Session today. Just a few images from his session are below :- Head over to my Instagram or Facebook page If you would like to discuss booking a first Birthday photography session then please contact me here.Continue Reading

Pastel Cake Smash, Baby M Baby M came to see me today for her pastel cake smash session.  Although she wasn’t super keen on the cake part of the session, she did like playing with the toys and reading books.  Just a few images from today are below. Head overContinue Reading

Wrapped Baby Photography Baby M was in the studio this morning for her wrapped mini session.  It was lovely to meet the newest addition to this lovely family and have the opportunity to photograph her whilst she is still tiny.  Just a few images from her session are below. HeadContinue Reading

Wrapped Newborn Mini Session, Baby G Baby G’s. Wrapped Newborn Mini Session from today.  He loved being all snuggled up and who can blame him when its -4 outside! Just a few images from his session are below. Head over to my Instagram or Facebook page If you would likeContinue Reading

Floral cake smash with baby D Look how cute baby D is for her pretty floral cake smash.  I love the outfit Mummy go for her as it matches perfectly.  Just a few images are below. Cake from Tracey Bakes at Sutton in Ashfield. Head over to my Instagram orContinue Reading

Newborn Photography of Baby J, 2 Weeks New Baby J was in for his Newborn photography session yesterday.  He loved being all snuggled up 🙂 Just a few images from his session are below. Head over to my Instagram or Facebook page If you would like to discuss booking yourContinue Reading

Pure Cake Smash with Baby O Baby O, in the studio today for his first Birthday Pure cake smash session. Baby O’s favourites things today are cake, bath time and throwing blocks!  Just a few images from hi ssession are below. Head over to my Instagram or Facebook page IfContinue Reading

Harry Potter Cake Smash, Baby E Baby E’s Harry Potter Cake Smash today was great fun!  He loved smashing and eating his cake! It was lovely to see him again a year on from his newborn photography session. Just a few images from today are below. Head over to myContinue Reading

Pretty Pastel Cake Smash Pretty Pastel Cake Smash with super cute Baby H in the studio today to celebrate her first Birthday.  There was the very serious business of eating the cake, where she was super focussed on doing that!  Then we had some smiles and fun with bath timeContinue Reading

Stranger Things Halloween House, Kirkby-In-Ashfield Something a little different that my usual posts!  I have spent a lot of time creating our Stranger Things Halloween House so that we can raise money for Cancer Research.  Please if you are able to donate, even if it’s just a little, please doContinue Reading

Baby A’s wrapped newborn session Baby A was a superstar today for her newborn session.   She loved being a snuggled up, just a few images from her session are below. Head over to my Instagram or Facebook page If you would like to discuss booking your own newborn in withContinue Reading

Pastel Rainbow Cake Smash Today’s Pastel Rainbow Cake Smash with baby S was great fun!  She was super smiley and really enjoyed her special first Birthday session.  Just a few images are below: – Head over to my Instagram or Facebook page If you would like to discuss booking aContinue Reading

Baby L’s Newborn Session Baby L’s Newborn session is below.  She was super sleepy, so we were able to get through lots of different set-ups for Mummy & Daddy.  Just a few of these are below. Head over to my Instagram or Facebook page If you would like to discussContinue Reading

Baby E’s Newborn Session Baby E came to see me for her newborn photography session. It was great to meet the latest addition to this lovely family, just a few images are below. Head over to my Instagram or Facebook page If you would like to discuss booking your ownContinue Reading

Rainbow cake smash, Baby T Rainbow cake smash, Baby T.  We had such fun in the studio today for Baby T’s cake smash.  She was an instant smiler and loved looking at pictures of herself on the camera, such a starlet in the making!   Just a few images from herContinue Reading

Mansfield Cake Smash, Baby A Mansfield Cake Smash. Baby A’s blue, yellow & mint cake smash.   It was great seeing baby A and his family again today for his first birthday celebration.  Although Baby A wasn’t that impressed with the cake and preferred Cheerio’s! he did love splashing in theContinue Reading

2-week-old newborn photography, baby T 2 week old newborn photography –  Baby T’s Pure newborn session was today.   He slept so well to start with and then woke up and looked straight at me as if to say “who the heck are you lady?!  You’re not Mummy or Daddy!!”  So,Continue Reading

10 day old, Baby J 10 day old, baby J came to see me today for his Newborn session.   When he was awake he was so alert and could lift his head up really well.  He was a super star today for his session and a super chilled out littleContinue Reading

Christmas Mini Session Sets 2022 Christmas Mini Session Sets 2022 are now ready. 3 dates have already sold out! Thank you to everyone that has booked so far. Have I had to resort to using stuffed animals as models? Yes!  Will the images look better with actual children in?  Yes! Continue Reading

Newborn Baby Photography, Baby E Newborn Baby Photography. Baby E came to see me yesterday with his big sister E.    He loved being wrapped up and we even got a few smiles too!  Just a few images from his session are below. Head over to my Instagram or FacebookContinue Reading

12 day old newborn, baby I 12 day old newborn baby I came to se me today for her newborn photography session. She was a total star and when awake loved pulling her own poses!  Just a few images from her session are below. Head over to my Instagram orContinue Reading

Floral cake smash, Baby R Floral cake smash with baby R & Big sister I.  Baby R came to see me today to celebrate her first birthday and have some images taken with her big sister too.  How cute do they look?!  Just a few images from their session below.Continue Reading

Pure Cake Smash Mini Session Pure Cake Smash mini session today with baby V.  Super cute Baby V came in to see me with his big brothers to celebrate his first Birthday later this month.  Just a few images from his session are below. Yummy cake from Tracey Bakes atContinue Reading

Mansfield baby photography, Baby A Mansfield baby photography, Baby A.  It was great meeting the newest addition to this growing family.  It was also lovely to see how much her sister have grown since the last time I saw them. Head over to my Instagram or Facebook page If youContinue Reading