Big Sister D & Little Brother Z ‘s session was so lovely. It was great catching up with this family again and seeing how much D has grown.  She brought along her new baby Brother to follow in her newborn photography session footsteps.  Although Z, appeared at the beginning to be more interested in what I was doing than going to sleep. After some milk he was then asleep for the rest of the session, allowing me to get lots of super cute shots.  We did get some lovely shots of the too of them together with D smiling. But there was just something about this cute pointing image that I love for the sneak peek. Maybe its the chubby baby finger, as big sister D is really just still a baby herself.  These guys are going to be so close when they grow up.  Below are some images from Big Sister D & Little Brother Z ‘s session.

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If you would like to discuss booking your own newborn in with me for a  session then please contact me here.

If you are looking for sleepy newborn photography then babies are best photographed around the 5-14 days mark.  I am able to book you in for a session before baby is born, the session date can then be adjusted to fit the above timescales if baby is early or late.

Big Sister D & Little Brother Z sibling newborn photography Big Sister D & Little Brother Z Big Sister D & Little Brother Z